Cría Cuervos – Spain, 1976 Raise Ravens – from the Spanish “cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos”, literally translated as “raise ravens and they’ll peck out your eyes”. The idiom refers to being ungrateful to someone who helped you and also allude to children who turn their back to their parents once grown up. […]
Author: ICC

ICC Movie Night – Mio fratello è figlio unico
Mio fratello è figlio unico – Italy, 2007 My brother is an only child The movie follows the lives of two brothers growing up in small town in Italy (Latina, south of Rome) during the ’60s and ’70s. Their different political ideologies shapes their love-hate relationship: the older one is passionate in his leftist […]

ICC Movie Night – L’auberge espagnole
L’auberge espagnole – France, 2002 “Je suis français, espagnol, anglais, danois. Je suis comme l’Europe, je suis tout ça. Je suis un vrai bordel”. “I’m French, Spanish, English, Danish. I’m like Europe, I’m all of this. I’m a real mess”. That’s how the main character of L’auberge espagnole describes himself. The movie is […]

Cork World Book Fest “Home by the Lee”
What is it? The Cork World Book Fest will host an event to give voice to the experiences of foreign people who chose Cork as their home. Poetry, prose and visual art will be used to show Cork from the personal perspective of the international community living in Cork. How to participate? Would you […]

10 Tips to find a job in Ireland
We know how challenging it can be to search for a job especially when you just arrived in Ireland ! Corina, one of our volunteer, shared with you her experience and gave us some tips to make your researches more successful : Four years ago I came to Ireland as an Au Pair, and since […]
My favourite places in Cork
I’ve been living in Cork for a bit more than two years now and even though the city is pretty small as we all know there’s always a new nice corner that is waiting for you to explore. I’m kind of addicted and used to my favourite places in Cork and I’d say that they […]

Looking for new members
International Club Cork is Cork’s largest multicultural organisation with over 4,900 members from over 50 countries. We have organised over 200 intercultural, social and language events in the past 7 years. Our meetups are among the most popular activities in Cork. We have now various volunteer positions open and ready to expand our multicultural Team! […]