One Month, One Blogger : this month, we are pleased to introduce you to Anousha, a French girl. She shared with us her experience about finding a place to live. Looking for an accomodation is part of starting a new adventure in a new country. Anousha first lived in London before she moved to Cork.
Author: ICC

ICC Ambassadors – Oskar from Sweden
We are pleased to introduce you to Oskar, our ICC Ambassador from Sweden. We had the opportunity to speak with him at the last ICC meeting.

November’s Blogger: Ireland – Her beerish adventure
One Month, One Blogger : this month, we are pleased to introduce you Lara, from Croatia. She shared with us her experience and impression about her beerish adventure: Last December, I decided to embark on another adventure. This time – green, shamrocks, beer and leprechauns. Hello Ireland! As I had already spent some time in […]

October’s Blogger : The reasons why Mariana loves Cork
One Month, One Blogger : this month, we are pleased to introduce you Mariana, from Brazil. She shared with us her experience and impression about the life in Cork: “What about Cork?” I asked my boyfriend the evening we were planning our next move, living abroad for the second time. After some research (because […]

September’s Blogger : A Brazilian in love with the rebel city
One Month, One Blogger : this month, we are pleased to introduce you Bianca, from Brazil. She shared with us her experience and story from the 1st day she arrived in Ireland : “Hi, I am Bianca, 28 years old, ‘false’ Brazilian as the misty Irish weather does not bother me, like. I always dreamed […]

One Month, One Blogger
Each month, we will introduce you a Blogger and share a part of his story with you. It can be something about himself, but also something about Cork or some tips about living in Ireland and be an expat’.

Patrick’s Day in Cork
Happy St Patrick’ Day everyone! On March 17, Irish people all over the world celebrate this date and Cork City has not been left behind ! The rebel city celebrated the event in a joyful and friendly atmosphere. First, let’s see how good you are with facts about this big day Did you know that […]

Interview: Claudio Amazio – ICC’s photographer
Why did you get involved in ICC? I wanted to build up my photography experience and these sounded like a great opportunity. How did your interest in photography begin? I started because I was interested in putting cooking lessons on YouTube so I initially bought a camera for video and not pictures. After a while, […]