One of ICC’s most unique attendants, balloon artist Victor Forja told ICC a bit about what’s involved in making balloon art a career. What path did your career take? I am a journalist, that’s what I studied in Seville. When I was in college, I realised I did not really want to do […]
Author: ICC

Interview: Seán Creagh
Cork city filmmaker, Seán Creagh is a regular at ICC. We met up to chat about his career and his involvement with ICC. What is it that made you want to work in film? I guess I’m a storyteller; from the very youngest age I was telling stories. It’s what I love to do […]
Interview: Andy Steves, CEO of WSA Europe (Weekend Student Adventures)
Andy Steves, CEO of WSA Europe (Weekend Student Adventures) was very welcome at ICC on the 26th of January. He operates a rapidly growing and exciting tour company which travels to Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Prague, Rome, Budapest, Krakow, Swiss Alps, Amsterdam as well as celebration packages for St. Paddy’s Day in Dublin and Easter in […]